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PREDHYMA is a Marie-Curie EID (European Industrial Doctorates) program gathering two universities (INSA Lyon and Ecole Centrale de Lyon) and the company ANDRITZ Hydro, a global supplier of electro-mechanical systems and services (“water to wire“) for hydropower plants and one of the leaders in the world market for hydraulic power generation. Objectives of the project are to predict the life expectancy of the machines from detailed numerical simulations of damaging phenomena.

Articles in this section

EU Framework (PREDHYMA Project)

Tuesday 26 May 2015
Grant agreement for: Initial Training Networks Call identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN Implementation mode: EID Project acronym: PREDHYMA Grant agreement no.: 608393 Project full title: Prediction of Erosion Damages in Hydraulic (...)

PhD Students (PREDHYMA Project)

Thursday 19 March 2015
The following PhD-students are working on their respective research topics: HYDRO ABRASIVE EROSION Wiebke Boden Ecole centrale de Lyon GRAVELS AND STONES IMPACTS Jorge Nunez Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon (...)

Partners (PREDHYMA Project)

Thursday 19 March 2015
Research and industry partners collaborating in the Predhyma project: Andritz Hydro SA Rue des Deux-Gares 6, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland +41 21 925 77 00 Andritz Hydro SAS 13, Avenue Albert Einstein, 69100 Villeurbanne, France +33 4 37 42 11 43 Ecole Centrale de Lyon - Laboratoire de (...)

Project aims (PREDHYMA Project)

Thursday 19 March 2015
Hydraulic turbines can undergo severe damaging during operation, because of low quality water or detrimental flow conditions. Damaging induces maintenance costs and power production losses, and can also endanger safety of installations. Hydropower plants operators and turbine manufacturers are (...)

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